Just wanted to introduce a new weekly series of posts (tentatively titled 'Everyday Green') that will follow my attempt as an ordinary urban guy to understand, appreciate and reduce my own and my immediate family's impact on our planet.
'Everyday Green' intends to create a roadmap that ordinary mainstream urban folk (like me) can follow to green their lives. It will hopefully be the kind of thing you can refer people to when they ask your advice about being green.
Over the coming weeks I aim to examine a variety of key areas of modern urban life. I promise that this will not be a 'holier than thou' guilt trip. Quite the opposite and as I always say: being green is not that black and white.
I want to show the world that thinking about our impact on our world is such an ordinary everyday thing to do. Indeed we already think about our impact on various non-eco levels all day long for example when we think about our houses, cars, shoes, movies, sandwiches and so on.
All we now need to do is add one more level into our thought process and think about the impact of our actions on our planet.
I believe it is easy to care about our world and I aim to prove it. I also believe that if it is not easy to do, then most people will not do it.
I very much look forward to your help and comments.
This article first appeared in the Ecologist August 2006