Meacher attacks Government's Climate Change Bill

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Former environment Minister and Labour leadership candidate Michael Meacher MP has derided the government's Climate Change Bill as 'nowhere near commensurate to the threat'.

Writing in the Guardian, Meacher argues that Sir Nicholas Stern's recommendation in his now world famous report that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 should be stabilised at 500-550 parts per million (ppm) risks 'pushing the climate irreversibly over the edge'.

Meacher suggests that a worldwide emissions limit of 450 ppm must be imposed, and that it might be achieved if Britain showed real global leadership by decentralising energy generation technologies, investing in large-scale offshore windfarms and forcing reductions in air travel.

He also recommends increasing vehicle excise duty 'hugely' for gas-guzzling cars and channelling the revenue into public transport, as well as incentivising local food production and allocating each family a 'carbon budget'.

'This is a win-win-win-win scenario,' Meacher writes. 'It will protect our society against sudden destabilising shocks and it will demonstrate the way to safeguard the environment from the apocalyptic nightmare of a climate catastrophe.'

A spirit of 'single-minded resistance', as seen in 1940, would help us see off the threat of global warming, Meacher suggests.

This article first appeared in the Ecologist May 2007