Aberdeen turns from oil to renewables

Offshore wind turbines
UK capacity for offshore wind farms could provide 33GW of energy - enough to power every home in the country
Aberdeen attempts to move away from dependence on declining oil stocks with opening of new green energy centre

The Scottish Government has announced a £2.6m cash injection for a new centre for renewable energy at Aberdeen University.

While still the centre of the North Sea oil industry, Aberdeen is attempting to establish itself as hub for research and development into cleaner forms of energy such as wind, wave and tidal.

Speaking at the opening of the centre, First Minister Alex Salmond, who is opposed to the opening of new nuclear power stations in Scotland, said it would strengthen the country's position as a leader in sustainable energy.

'We must capitalise on Scotland's natural competitive advantages in clean, green energy to secure and grow the energy industry's presence in Scotland.

'The official opening of SEGEC is an important step forward in building Scotland's growing reputation as the green global powerhouse of Europe. It will help Scotland secure a more influential role in the development of green energy and how this country can play its role in support of ambitious, EU wide targets,' he said.

The Scottish European Green Energy Centre (SEGEC) will receive £1.6m of European funding and more than £1m from the Government.

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