The newly opened Langley science academy in Slough ticks just about every box - airy, light, modern interiors make for good learning environments, and the school building is stuffed full of eco features
More and more educational establishments are becoming environmentally friendly, thanks to the Eco-Schools scheme. Is this our road map to sustainability?
While recovering from illness, qualified teacher Barry Bennett took the time to ponder on how he could share his love of nature with young people, and encourage them to engage with their environment. The result was The Amazing Places Project ...
The threat posed to vital honeybee populations by neonicotinoid pesticides has long been a cause for serious concern. Now industry funded research proves that those concerns are well founded.
Prime Minister Theresa May has made several serious mistakes in her election campaign, but her biggest 'unforced error' of all could be her public support for foxhunting, opposed by 17 in 20 voters. Now a huge march to her Downing Street residence is planned for next Monday to 'Make Hunting History!'
Britain's trade in waste plastic to the Far East is booming. But it's not good news. The exported plastic is meant to be recycled under UK conditions and standards, but often is not, undermining bona fide UK recycling firms who face falling prices, reduced turnover, collapsing profits, and all too often, closure.