French want to ban mobile phones in schools

Child on a mobile phone
Mobile phones could soon be banned in junior schools in France, under plans put forward by French senators

The French Senate has passed a bill that would ban children under the age of 15 from bringing mobile phones to school. 

They have also approved plans to ban mobile phone advertising that targets children younger than 14.

The proposed ban in schools follows after a survey by TNS Sofres which found that out of 500 12-17 year-olds, half use their mobile phones in lessons.

A further 7 per cent of those questioned admitted they had secretly filmed a teacher during a lesson, and over half said they had been caught using their phone in class at least once, even when rules forbade it.

The move is likely to be strongly welcomed by campaign groups including WiredChild that is calling for similar restrictions in the UK.

Both Senate proposals must now be approved by the National Assembly before they can become law.

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