Map: a world of +4C degree temperature rise

Map of the world
A temperature rise of 4C would
Map provides graphic illustration of how world would be dramatically affected by a 4 degree global temperature rise

A new map illustrates what some of the impacts of a rise in global temperature of 4 degress Celsuis would be across the world.

Produced by scientists using the latest peer-reviewed science from the Met Office Hadley Centre, it shows how a 4 degree average rise is likely to be unevenly spread around the world.

The average land temperature will be 5.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels and high latitudes, particularly the Arctic, will see even larger temperature increases.

It shows how agricultural yields are expected to decrease in all major regions of production and how half of all Himalayan glaciers will be significantly reduced by 2050, leading to 23 per cent of the Chinese population deprived of vital dry season glacial meltwater.

The map is designed to raise awareness of why an agreement at the Copenhagen climate talks in December needs to introduce plans to limit a global temperature rise to no more than 2 degrees Celsuis.

'Britain’s scientists have helped to illustrate the catastrophic effects that will result if the world fails to limit the global temperature rise to 2 degrees,' said Ed Miliband, Energy and Climate Change Secretary, speaking after the launch of the map at the Science Museum today.

'With less than 50 days left before agreement must be reached, the UK’s going all out to persuade the world of the need to raise its ambitions so we get a deal that protects us from a 4 degree world,' he said.

Useful links
Met Office: see the map


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