Chevron has recently announced a mammoth solar energy project known as Project Brightfield. Good news, eh? But what if they want to use the green power to pump more oil...
For more information on RAN's Chevron project, visit
The recent U-turn by of some of the UK's leading environmentalists - and one-time nuclear energy opponents - on the issue of nuclear energy, has caused vigourous debate in the media. Their reasoning is that we simply don't have the capacity to produce enough renewable energy to meet our needs. But as this comprehensive Ecologist report from 2007 shows the UK is really a renewable energy powerhouse.
A hundred years ago, markets ruled: fortunes were made, workers abused, bubbles blown. The Austrian School of economists, led by Ludwig von Mises, said this was fine: despite temporary messiness, the market knows best.
Britain could become a ‘carbon-free’ country in just twenty years, according to a new report published by the Wales-based Centre for Alternative Technology.
Everyone was disappointed by Copenhagen, but sometimes it takes a man in a tie to choke on a nut to remind us just how frustrating COP15 was...