Resurgence & Ecologist

Satish Kumar, Editor-in-Chief, Resurgence & Ecologist
Finally....we're up and running!

Welcome to a new chapter in the life of the Ecologist…The website, as many of you will already know, is now being managed and edited by the Resurgence Trust – a small educational charity based in the UK which publishes Resurgence magazine six times a year.

The transfer and the handover of the site to us did cause some inevitable delay for which we apologise but now the dust has settled, we are getting back to normal and, most importantly, uploading new content daily.

We are, as I have said, a very small team but we have a big heart and we are committed to keeping the spirit and legacy of the Ecologist alive and well. We are still supporting the work of the Ecologist Film Unit (EFU) and only this week, have published the unit’s exposure of the brutal and illegal trade in baby elephants to supply Thai tourism parks.

We have also introduced A Student Writes…..a brand new section which, as the name suggests, gives students who are studying to become experts in a field related to environmental, conservation and ecological concerns a platform to share their work.

We have also returned the Ecologist to its print roots. From this autumn, our own magazine, Resurgence, becomes Resurgence & Ecologist with a new section devoted to Ecologist copy. Ecologist members will receive copies of Resurgence & Ecologist in pdf format, and will have the option to upgrade to the print version at any point.

At a time of deep financial crisis with politicians, business leaders and the media all obsessed with economic growth at any cost, our shared concern for the environment and nature conservation has been pushed aside. This means, together, we face an even greater challenge to keep these issues at the top of their agenda. To do this, we need your continued support.

Please stay with us, please work with us and please let us know how we are doing. And for our part, we promise we will be doing our best and – in the original spirit of the Ecologist - publishing new articles, ideas, opinions, blogs and documentaries from a diverse range of contributors, old and new.

Finally, our new editorial contact details are: or you can telephone 01237 441293 and ask to speak to the editorial team.

*To find out more about subscribing to Resurgence & Ecologist, please call our membership manager, Jeanette Gill on 01208 841824

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