Ethical fashion: learning how to clean up the clothing industry

How to…give your wardrobe a green-over
From cotton seeds to high street clothing racks, the Fair Wear Foundation's new film links the myriad processes in the clothing chain and shows how you can make a difference in supporting a more ethical clothing industry

Working conditions in the garment production industry are often unpleasant. Workers are forced to spend long hours in factories, without any health and safety protection and are paid less than minimum wages for their hard efforts. Working closely with clothing companies and other sewn products, the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) strive to ensure that the entire supply chain of our clothes is produced without violating any human rights.

The FWF have based their labour standards on internationally recognised standards, i.e. the UN's Declaration of Human Rights and from ILO Conventions. They have recognised that in order for them to achieve the labour standards they strive for, there has to be acknowledgement and support of good working conditions from sourcing companies as well as the factory management, allocating responsibility to the entire supply chain and not just one sector.

In their short new film, the Fair Wear Foundation explains the supply chain and how each aspect is linked to one another. Starting from the growing of cotton to the stores where they are sold, including the factory conditions and transportation in between, there is a lot that needs to be monitored to ensure that your clothes are coming from an ethical background.

Further information:

Fair Wear

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