Threatened biodiversity of Yasuni

Jaguar. Image courtesy of
Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon is home to a record number of species. Now that the Yasuni-ITT Initiative has failed the future of those species hangs in the balance.....

The images in the gallery above are all species that call Yasuni National Park their home, and represent a tiny selection of the biodiversity found there. 

Yasuní provides a pristine habitat for record numbers of birds, bats, frogs, fish, fungi and plants, as well as 20 globally threatened mammal species, including the white-bellied spider monkey, the golden-mantled tamarin, the jaguar, and the giant otter. Yasuni contains more than 100,000 insect species per hectare - the highest level of insect diversity in the world for any taxonomic group.

Yasuní National Park is also home to some of the last indigenous peoples still living in isolation in the Amazon, including the Tagaeri and Taromenane clans of the Waorani, whose ancestral lands sit atop Ecuador's largest undeveloped oil reserves. 

Image of Huaorani hunter in Waorani reserve, Yasuni. Image courtesy of

Areas of Yasuni National Park are currently under serious threat from oil exploration companies, since the collapse of the Yasuni-ITT Initiative last month. Read more here.

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