Have you ever set out for a day at the beach only to come across a wall of rubbish blocking the entrance?
That was exactly what happened this week with the ones intending to enjoy Ipanema Beach, in Rio de Janeiro.
The sign in front of the wall said: "One day, the trash left on the beach will stop you from getting into it".
Protecting the sea
The wall was built with plastic trash removed from only three days of garbage left on the beach of Ipanema and aims to draw attention to the fight against maritime pollution caused by plastic in the oceans.
By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, according to Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Economic Forum. This wall stood five meters in length and two meters high.
The stunt was part of global a partnership between beer brand Corona and NGO Parley Of The Oceans that aims to protect the sea from plastic garbage.
This Article
This article is based on a press release from Soko.