Lush prize open for nominations

Lush prize
The 2020 Lush Prize for animal-free testing opens for nominations.


Lush Prize enters its eighth annual awards cycle amid a paradigm shift in public opinion on animal experiments.

The Lush Prize has grown to become the largest global awards programme to recognise scientists and campaigners working to replace animals in chemical safety testing.

Now in its eighth year, it has provided more than two million pounds to support animal-free testing and campaigns around the world.

Expanding vision

The Prize has always been encouraged by the potential of twenty-first-century technologies like genetics and robotics to replace the Victorian-era technology of live animal use.

This year it is expanding its vision to seek nominations from researchers working specifically in computational toxicology, organs-on-chips and molecular pathways.

It is also experimenting with a new ‘future award’ for the best proposal for a public awareness raising campaign.

Rob Harrison, Lush Prize Director, said: “This year the Lush Prize has refined some of its awards to take account of the significant scientific advances that have taken place in the relatively short time that it has been operating.

"It is also continuing to offer a ‘breakthrough’ or black-box prize of £250,000 for the pathway research in systemic toxicology or developmental toxicology as well as the first regulatory acceptance of a new substance using entirely non-animal methods.”


Nominations opened on 9 September and close on 6 December. Individuals or groups can nominate themselves or others via the website

A panel of expert judges from around the world meet in January 2020 and winners will be awarded their prizes at a ceremony and conference in May.

This Article 

This article is based on a press release from Lush. 

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