
  • Read this slowly – it could save your life

    Paula Byrne
    Jonathan Bate
    This is an age of hyper-connectivity where being available 24/7 is a given. But this can have serious health and social impacts. PAULA BYRNE and JONATHAN BATE urge us to turn our devices off, slow it down and savour the calming powers of good literature...

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  • Karl Marx

    The emergence of an ecological Karl Marx: 1818 - 2018

    Gareth Dale
    Karl Marx was born in Trier 200 years ago today. The legacy of the political economist is fiercely contested. The Ecologist was among the first magazines to examine his ecological thinking - in an essay published in 1971. Here, GARETH DALE, an editor of the book Green Growth, examines Marx's own claims about nature and society - and our original interpretation of them

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  • PHOTO ESSAY: The promise of palm oil sows anger and doubt

    Gaurav Madan
    Villagers are living in fear of foreign investors exploiting their natural resources as Liberia declares itself 'open for business'. Companies are decimating trees and threatening the livelihoods and culture of these rural communities. GAURAV MADAN documents what life is like for the people of Sinoe County in Liberia.

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  • Why the UK Plastics Pact doesn't go far enough

    Natalie Bennett
    More than 40 companies including Coca-Cola, Unilever and Tesco have pledged to eliminate single-use packaging items and to ensure 100 per cent of their plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable. But NATALIE BENNETT, former Green Party leader, argues this voluntary pact doesn't go far enough - a full scale ban is needed

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  • Why it's time for a European climate law

    Molly Scott Cato
    Climate laws are being adopted around the world. MOLLY SCOTT CATO and JAKOB DALUNDE, MEPs for the UK and Sweden, consider whether legally binding commitments can save us from a climate crisis and pave the way towards a net zero emissions planet

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  • How to build a new world in the shell of the old

    The Symbiosis Research Collective
    Every city has its graveyard of nonprofits, cooperatives, social clubs, and community centers. Without a strategic vision, local projects cannot possibly amount to a systemic alternative to capitalism. The latest contribution from the SYMBIOSIS RESEARCH COLLECTIVE

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  • Submerged cars

    Climate apathy could mean disaster – but it isn’t inevitable

    Leo Barasi
    Public support for policies designed to reduce carbon emissions and prevent catastrophic climate change is vital. Yet people are naturally resistant when such policies mean sacrificing holidays and rewards they have earned through hard work. LEO BARASI argues there is a solution to this world-defining paradox

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  • Acupuncture model

    An acupuncture treatment for climate change?

    Spring Cheng
    Acupuncture? An ancient Chinese healing practice where a doctor pokes hair-thin needles into odd places they call “points” on a patient’s body? What does acupuncture have to do with climate change? SPRING CHENG argues the practice holds powerful lessons for how we interact with our natural environment

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  • Dead fish in sand

    Can ‘green growth’ really avert global ecological collapse?

    Martin Kirk
    The pursuit of economic growth is causing irreparable ecological damage - threatening to undermine human civilisation itself. But 'green growth' is no panacea for the problems we now face. Abandoning Gross Domestic Product and growth as measures for success is the only way to avoid failure, argues MARTIN KIRK

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