As industrial development and human encroachment intensifies globally, academics believe the study of natural soundscapes could teach us much about how ecosystems function - and how they are under threat
FARM: shop in Dalston is a revolutionary new take on urban food self-sufficiency: a cafe and community hub with its own rooftop chicken coop, pigs and floating garden
The economic and climate-related impacts of forest destruction are well known, but continued logging could unleash devastating new pandemics and spread fatal diseases into the human population, scientists tell the Ecologist
It's helping attract youthful talent into sustainable agriculture across the US, but can the Greenhorns movement survive in the land of Big Ag, or cross the Atlantic to the UK?
Lawyer Polly Higgins is spearheading a campaign to have 'ecocide' recognised by the UN as an international crime against peace. But how will this work in practice?
The new work by artist Maya Lin, famous for her memorial to US soldiers lost in Vietnam, commemorates the species destroyed and endangered by human action. As the list of the dead grows, David Hawkins wonders if the future is set in stone
Throughout the evening, the CND advocated a course of ‘peace and sanity’. The message is unequivocal: weapons of mass destruction are the tools of war, not keepers of the peace.