It's the whales, darling Michael Drummond | 6th November 2020 Actress Joanna Lumley, charities concerned about unexploded war munitions being detonated at sea. Greens take Brighton council Michael Drummond | 24th July 2020 The Green group officially took over power on Thursday evening at a time when the city faces a loss of up to £39 million as a result of coronavirus. Ban fishing supertrawlers Michael Drummond | 18th June 2020 The huge boats - the largest of which is more than 465ft long - 'vacuum' up huge quantities of fish every day. Ban supertrawlers from UK waters Michael Drummond | 9th March 2020 Environmentalists fear supertankers in UK seas correlates with spikes in dolphins washing up dead on British beaches. Anti-arms activists target bomb factory Michael Drummond | 26th November 2019 'Stop the arms trade. Solidarity with Kurdistan.' Subscribe to Michael Drummond
Greens take Brighton council Michael Drummond | 24th July 2020 The Green group officially took over power on Thursday evening at a time when the city faces a loss of up to £39 million as a result of coronavirus. Ban fishing supertrawlers Michael Drummond | 18th June 2020 The huge boats - the largest of which is more than 465ft long - 'vacuum' up huge quantities of fish every day. Ban supertrawlers from UK waters Michael Drummond | 9th March 2020 Environmentalists fear supertankers in UK seas correlates with spikes in dolphins washing up dead on British beaches. Anti-arms activists target bomb factory Michael Drummond | 26th November 2019 'Stop the arms trade. Solidarity with Kurdistan.' Subscribe to Michael Drummond
Ban fishing supertrawlers Michael Drummond | 18th June 2020 The huge boats - the largest of which is more than 465ft long - 'vacuum' up huge quantities of fish every day. Ban supertrawlers from UK waters Michael Drummond | 9th March 2020 Environmentalists fear supertankers in UK seas correlates with spikes in dolphins washing up dead on British beaches. Anti-arms activists target bomb factory Michael Drummond | 26th November 2019 'Stop the arms trade. Solidarity with Kurdistan.' Subscribe to Michael Drummond
Ban supertrawlers from UK waters Michael Drummond | 9th March 2020 Environmentalists fear supertankers in UK seas correlates with spikes in dolphins washing up dead on British beaches. Anti-arms activists target bomb factory Michael Drummond | 26th November 2019 'Stop the arms trade. Solidarity with Kurdistan.'
Anti-arms activists target bomb factory Michael Drummond | 26th November 2019 'Stop the arms trade. Solidarity with Kurdistan.'