Thinking people of all stripes are agreed in their opposition to cruel, exploitative animal farming, writes Ronnie Cummins. So it's time for them to move beyond sterile 'meat-eater versus vegetarian' debates, and unite in their opposition to the daily atrocities of industrial agriculture.
This Tuesday voters in Oregon and Colorado will have the chance to strike a decisive blow for consumers' right to know by forcing the labeling of GMO ingredients. Big Food is spending big to mislead and confuse voters, writes Ronnie Cummins - but the outcome is looking too close to call.
As millions join in climate marches and other actions around the world, writes Ronnie Cummins, the 'mainstream' focus on energy is missing the 55% of emissions that come from mismanaged land and destroyed forests. The key is to replace industrial agriculture worldwide with productive, regenerative organic farming that puts carbon back in the soil.
Starbucks has positioned itself as a 'progressive' brand - but it's no such thing. It refuses to commit to fair trade coffee, organic milk, GMO-free / organic foods and snacks, and supports the mighty Grocery Manufacturers Association, lobbyist for GMOs and industrial agriculture.
The mighty Grocery Manufacturers Association is to sue Vermont for making food companies label GMOs in their products. Ronnie Cummins calls on all concerned consumers to boycott GMA companies and products - starting with their 'traitor brands' ...
Newly assertive citizens and consumers are putting the world's most feared and powerful corporations on the defensive, writes Ronnie Cummins. Now is the time to press home our advantage!
A leaked document reveals plans by the US's Grocery Manufacturers Association to sue the first state that passes a GMO labeling law. Vermont will be the decisive battle-ground, report Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins.
In the red corner, the increasingly successful citizens' campaign to label foods containing GMO ingredients. In the blue, a supine government and powerful GMO and grocery industry that will fight it all the way. Welcome to 2014 ...