Programmes to improve the quality of green space throughout social housing are taking hold in the UK, with Hackney’s Clapton Park providing a prime example of how far a little green can go....
Our desire to spend time with our families and help our local communities and the environment is being eroded by the overwhelming nature of modern advertising
Consumers could unwittingly buy rings or other jewellery linked to serious human rights abuses after Kimberley Process fails to prevent the sale of diamonds from Robert Mugabe's Marange diamond fields
A law of ecocide could potentially see politicians who approve environmentally-damaging projects, like the tar sands pipeline between the US and Canada, face a court trial
With little hope of a binding deal on climate change at the latest UN summit, campaigners are hoping that Africa's COP will tackle the issue that plagues the continent most: agriculture
The Arctic was once out of reach to anyone but intrepid explorers. Today it's a natural resource battle ground. Arctic expert Charles Emmerson tells the Ecologist what's changed
Faced with the potential use of a dangerous pesticide methyl iodide to spray crops in their backyards, a group of Californian teenagers decided to stand up to the might of industrial agribusiness. Rosie Spinks reports
In the midst of a dire need to feed millions of people facing hunger because of drought, Kenya's newly passed Biosafety Act allows for the importation of GM crops - but at what cost?
Despite campaigning to reduce child labour internationally, the US is home to at least 230,000 child labourers toiling in the fields to pick blueberries, tomatoes or cotton
In an effort to address the joint problems of poverty and environmental degradation, Vivienne Westwood has joined up with the International Trade Centre for the launch of her second ethical range
With the Kimberley Process in a state of paralysis over Zimbabwean diamonds, consumers can no longer be sure they’re buying ethical jewels. Ahead of a BBC Panorama investigation into the issue, Rosie Spinks reports