Emissions of short-lived pollutants like black carbon can be reduced and provide quick reductions in climate change and improvements in air quality. The Ecologist reports
Twice as many people in India and Japan rank climate change as one of the most important environmental issues, highlighting the challenge facing UK policymakers and climatologists
Human rights violations have been reported at plantations in virtually all major tea producing countries, while tea growing itself has a profound effect on the local environment. William McLennan reports
Sugar can be produced from both sugar beet and sugarcane. Sugarcane production is of particular concern in terms of environmental degradation and human rights abuses, reports William McLennan
Non-stick pan coatings made from PTFE, otherwise known as Teflon, release carcinogens, pollutants and even a World War One nerve gas when heated. So what’s the alternative?
Disney avoids emission cuts by investing $15.5 million in carbon offsetting schemes criticised by campaigners, including projects soon to be banned in the EU
An attempt to classify tar sands oil as more environmentally-damaging than conventional oil would effectively ban its sale within European Member States
Combining a detailed dissection of our unsustainable economy with an introduction to Buddhism, Sulak Sivaraksa’s economic vision provides an alternative to globalisation
US officials are beginning to take a greater interest in the reported links between the exposure to environmental chemicals, like Bisphenol A, with the development of diabetes and obesity
Two fragrances, both designed with getting the girls in mind. So could the green choice, Lush’s Dirty, beat the Lynx Effect? William McLennan put it to the test
Species may be able to adapt to gradual increases in temperature preventing the collapse of biological communities in the face of global climate change