The findings of a strategic environmental assessment open the way for an increase in the number of offshore wind farms, which could produce enough energy to power every household in the UK
A drive to persuade county councils to cut their carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent by 2020 could result in as many as 70,000 green jobs, new research reveals
Scientists are leading the charge against political foot-dragging on climate change, with James Hansen arrested for protesting against coal mining and Kevin Anderson warning the UK Government its emissions levels are 'dangerously optimistic'
The publication of the government's draft Climate Change Bill this week signalled the latest round of the escalating competition between David Cameron and Tony Blair to take the title of climate change champion of the world. Following hard on the EU measures, the government's bill set out more radical targets than before and promises to deliver them – a promise that will be reinforced by a new committee of independent auditors.
The European Commission's plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 received a boost yesterday as Tony Blair completed a British U turn by overruling his industry minister and French diplomats said Jacques Chirac could accept the binding agreement.