The concept of ‘self-healing’ might sound like mumbo jumbo but it’s actually a sensible way of giving our lifestyles a healthy overhaul says Dr Fabrizio Mancini - starting with organic food, plenty of sleep and lots of exercise
In an extract from his new book, The Power of Self-Healing, Dr Fabrizio Mancini explains why sugar and food additives - from aspartame to trans fats - could have a severely detrimental effect on your health
Marketed as the ultimate quick food fix, 240 Pot Noodles are eaten every minute in Britain. But what exactly is in the 'slag of all snacks'? Pat Thomas on fats, salt and flavour enhancers
It’s 2008, and feeding ourselves has never been easier. We take for granted a supply of every agricultural commodity on the planet, 365 days a year. Food is cheap. Never in living memory have we spent less on it as a proportion of our total expenditure. Even our poorest citizens can afford the luxury foods of yesteryear, like salmon and chicken.
It has spawned a dozen urban legends. It gets praised and reviled by bloggers. And it tastes like carbonated cough syrup. But does Red Bull do you any good? Pat Thomas reports
Pat Thomas, Health Editor of the <i>Ecologist<i/>, responds to Felicity Lawrence's article in the Guardian on the link between junk food and mental health
In August 2006, German chemicals company BASF applied to start GM potato field trials
in Cambridge and Derbyshire as early as next spring. The GM industry is making many
claims about this product, but are these based on the truth? Andy Rees investigates
Is it worse than Mc Donalds? The BLT sandwich is an icon, the ultimate symbol of convenience culture. Tesco alone sells 5 million a year. This is what the £1.80 you pay for your BLT buys...
A 1971 editorial from the ecologist founding editor Edward Goldsmith on how our society is becoming ever more addicted to gimmicks intended to ensure our survival in ever less favourable conditions
Far from being the healthy drink implied by its sports sponsorships, Diet Coke is a worrying cocktail of neurotoxic and potentially carcinogenic chemicals
Monsanto’s global website says: ‘Imagine innovative agriculture that creates "incredible" things today.’ Actually, I think most of us are more interested in ‘credible’ things when it comes to agriculture. Like food that people can trust is safe. And crops that meet the needs of the farmers that grow them. The Monsanto slogan used to be ‘food, health, hope’. As if this wasn’t absurd enough, it has now been changed to ‘Imagine™’. John Lennon must be turning in his grave.
Wander down the meat aisle of any supermarket and you will find mountains of chicken being sold at unbelievably cheap prices. The real reasons for this cannot be found on the label.