How do the Maasai in northern Tanzania reconcile their values of reciprocity and social interaction with social distancing and the impacts of globalisation?
Stemming Sub-Saharan Africa’s demand for a devastating energy source will require a colossal shift from business-as-usual, principally through mass adoption of solar energy.
Australian mining companies have a poor track record operating in Africa. Australian uranium company Paladin Energy has now put two of its mines into 'care-and-maintenance' and bankruptcy looms. But who cleans up the company's mess in Namibia and Malawi, asks JIM GREEN
A major new investigation exposes how light-touch regulation on London's junior stock market encourages polluting activities in some of the world's most unstable regions, write CHLOE FARAND and MATT HOPE
Pastoralist communities have lived in the most challenging environments in Africa for more than 6,000 years. But a dangerous mix of stereotyping, changing governance and climate change is now threatening their way of life. CURTIS ABRAHAM investigates
Survival International argues that the activities of WWF in the Congo Basin have been shown to be doing tremendous damage to rainforest tribes like the Baka, without effectively protecting the environment. But efforts to hold them to account have been frustrated, the director of Survival, STEPHEN CORRY, argues.