Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn - who said he'd never give up his allotment, whatever the outcome of the recent UK elections - knows it and so do the millions of gardeners, growers and allotmenteers who've found a deeper relationship with their own patch of land. HARRIET GRIFFEY discovers the healing power of that relationship as described in a beautifully written new memoir
How can we bridge the gap between ‘fast food' living and responsible consumption when mass production and a throw-away mindset still dominate the lifestyles of most people? LAURA BRIGGS has some thoughts...
With allotment waiting lists more than a decade long in many areas, people without gardens are becoming increasingly creative in their enthusiastic quest to grow their own food. Report by Giovanna Dunmall
Allotments are good for the soul and enjoying a resurgence in interest, says Tony Baldry, which is why local councils and developers should be required to grow their own
Having an allotment is no longer a tiresome hobby practised by old geezers in wellies and donkey jackets. It’s an insurance policy against an uncertain future, as Paul Kingsnorth has found out for himself over the last three years.