The metabolism of modern cities Herbert Girardet | 13th February 2023 We must urgently move from Petropolis and dependence on fossil fuels to Ecopolis supported by regenerative economies. Biosphere and technosphere Herbert Girardet | 28th November 2022 Faced with a planetary emergency, is deep ecological transformation, a ‘megamorphosis’ of modern society, still a possibility? Ecologist Special Report: The Pillaging of Nicaragua's Bosawás Biosphere Reserve Courtney Parker | 6th October 2016 Violent expansion of the agricultural frontier in Nicaragua has produced devastating consequences for Indigenous Peoples and is fostering destructive long-term climate change impacts. COURTNEY PARKER reports Subscribe to Biosphere
Biosphere and technosphere Herbert Girardet | 28th November 2022 Faced with a planetary emergency, is deep ecological transformation, a ‘megamorphosis’ of modern society, still a possibility? Ecologist Special Report: The Pillaging of Nicaragua's Bosawás Biosphere Reserve Courtney Parker | 6th October 2016 Violent expansion of the agricultural frontier in Nicaragua has produced devastating consequences for Indigenous Peoples and is fostering destructive long-term climate change impacts. COURTNEY PARKER reports
Ecologist Special Report: The Pillaging of Nicaragua's Bosawás Biosphere Reserve Courtney Parker | 6th October 2016 Violent expansion of the agricultural frontier in Nicaragua has produced devastating consequences for Indigenous Peoples and is fostering destructive long-term climate change impacts. COURTNEY PARKER reports