We all carry cancer cells, but we also possess natural defences. Laura Sevier meets Dr David Servan-Schreiber, author of 'Anticancer: A new way of life' to find out more
Farah brought us the flick. Jennifer gave us the ‘Rachel’. Madonna made ‘blonde ambition’ a desirable thing – at least for a while. And Britney? Well, she got fed up and shaved all hers off.
The bird is now bones, the gravy glue, the roast veggies are on their way to becoming a source of winter fuel and as soon as everyone’s dinner has gone down a bit, it will be time to do the washing-up. If you are one of the 64 per cent of households in the UK that doesn’t own a dishwasher, chances are there will be a trusty bottle of Fairy Liquid by the sink to get the job of washing-up done.
Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections. Nevertheless, in the hygiene stakes, antibacterial soaps are a ridiculous form of ‘overkill’.
A little mouthwash to make your tongue and gums feel fresh and clean? Beware, you may be swilling a mouthful of chemicals that will give you more to worry about than bad breath. Pat Thomas reports
Many mainstream toiletries’ incompatible ingredients require chemicals to bind them together. Pat Thomas considers the alternatives to this unholy alliance
Your recycled loo paper may be soft, strong and very, very long, but is it really all that green? Pat Thomas gets to the bottom of an issue of convenience
No one should have to choose between looking good and being healthy, which is why each month we will be taking a critical look at the active ingredients in personal care products and asking why manufacturers continue to choose toxic ones over safer alternatives.
Want to make sex more sensual and fun? Having difficulty conceiving? Don’t reach for a lubricant to boost your love life, says Pat Thomas, it could harm your health and fertility
Metrosexual man cares about his appearance. He uses body sprays, hair gel, and fragrances. He maybe even eats salads. Does he give any thought as to what social norms have forced onto his skin?
Beauty products. Few items are sold to us with more reassurances that they will be good for our health, appearance and well-being. Few items are so drastically misnamed. In this collection of 'Behind the Label' articles, we select five beauty products that shouldn't feature on your bathroom shelf...
Beauty products. Few items are sold to us with more reassurances that they will be good for our health, appearance and well-being. Few items are so drastically misnamed. In this collection of 'Behind the Label' articles, we select five beauty products that shouldn't feature on your bathroom shelf...
Relationships, like so many other aspects of modern life, are increasingly subject to the pressures of commercialisation. ‘Buy this and you’ll be happy’, suggests the marketing. And one recent product, both intimate and as impersonal as can be imagined, boasts particular success…
If you’re one of the millions of people using fake tan to look attractive and healthy, be wary: they are full of chemicals that can cause damage to your skin. By Pat Thomas