The UK’s voracious appetite for wood-fueled energy is sounding alarm bells among environmental advocates, health groups, and those living near clear-cut forests. SASHA STASHWICK argues that biomass is worse for our environment than burning coal.
Climate change brings with it existential concern. But the actions we take to prevent runaway climate change can have extraordinary benefits for our economy, our health, our wellbeing and our relationship with the natural environment. It is these positive messages that can persuade people to act now, argues LOUISE GRAY
Is Theresa May failing to protect us from an 'invisible killer'? The European Commission last Tuesday gave Britain ten days to show how it would control air pollution with the threat of legal action in the European Court of Justice. Tim Holmes reports
Friends of the Earth are calling on Prime Minister David Cameron, and Energy Secretary Ed Davey to wean the UK off fossil fuels and create a 'Clean British Energy Revolution'
Come Friday morning and a group of kids and their parents converge to begin Brighton's Bike train cycle to school. Could this be the beginning of the great two-wheeled school run revolution? Jan Goodey reports
The world's largest rainforest is ravaged by deforestation and two recent droughts. If they continue, says one expert, the Amazon risks entering a period where it can no longer be relied upon to absorb more greenhouse gas emissions than it produces
Carbon offsetting isn't perfect but Much Better Adventures’ partnership with environmental charity, the Converging World, has produced an initiative that just might work
A study in Torbay is the first time i-Tree software has been used in the UK to establish the true value of the 'urban forest' and raises questions over the effectiveness of smaller trees in absorbing carbon and pollutants
Some of the more conservative areas of the US like Florida are now adapting to climate change yet they are still unwilling to accept the necessity of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
The UK may appear to have made great progress in reducing its carbon emissions, but declaring only what it produces, rather than consumes, presents a skewed picture of its carbon responsibilities and the balance sheet
For regions with adequate space and little recycling infrastructure, disposing of bottles in landfill generates a lower carbon footprint than recycling or incineration...
The Greening-the-Box initiative aims to demonstrate that retrofitting can transform hard-to-heat housing association and council properties into models of low-tech sustainability and fuel efficiency - with almost zero heating
A drive to persuade county councils to cut their carbon dioxide emissions by 40 per cent by 2020 could result in as many as 70,000 green jobs, new research reveals
'If you liked sub-prime, you'll love carbon trading!' Join the Camp for Climate Action on the 1st of April as they set up in the Square Mile to greet global leaders and remind them that climate change must remain on the agenda
The recent U-turn by of some of the UK's leading environmentalists - and one-time nuclear energy opponents - on the issue of nuclear energy, has caused vigourous debate in the media. Their reasoning is that we simply don't have the capacity to produce enough renewable energy to meet our needs. But as this comprehensive Ecologist report from 2007 shows the UK is really a renewable energy powerhouse.
From carbon trading to embodied emissions, our difficulties would be greatly reduced if we changed the way we perceive our own beliefs, says Bob Doppelt
Oxfam ran a competition for low-carbon lifestyles in 2008 – and all three winners were part of the same DIY carbon rationing movement. Jamie Andrews finds out what’s behind the success of CRAGs, and asks why we all haven’t signed up to join the revolution