The environmental movement has changed the conversation but not the political and economic rules driving the climate and nature crises, according to the outgoing Brighton Pavilion MP.
Reflecting on the take home messages from the weekend's UK Green Party conference ELIZABETH WAINWRIGHT says she was listening to a party seeking out new spaces for us to come together - to create a new vision and make it reality
After some of the biggest breakthroughs in their history, the Green Party now faces a leadership election so what happens now? Are the Greens ready to take the next big leap forward, asks Bibi van der Zee
Newly elected MP Caroline Lucas said her party was now ready to 'take its rightful place in Parliament' after her landmark victory in yesterday's general election
Green leader Caroline Lucas will today use a Campaign to Protect Rural England lecture to call for urgent action to resolve conflicting land use issues
European Union ministers have given an initial thumbs-up to the Novel Foods Regulation, a draft proposal that could lead to meat from cloned animals entering the human food chain
It probably isn’t too much of an exaggeration to suggest that most people are hard pushed to name a politician they really admire. In Britain, however, one name will come up time and again.