'While Bolsonaro lets agribusinesses burn theAmazon, this week a UK Government minister has been busy cosying up to the Brazilian President's officials.'
Prime minister Margaret Thatcher meets free market economist Friedrich von Hayek at IEA. She appoints Lord Lawson and they direct privatisation of British energy interests. BRENDAN MONTAGUE investigates
As the Green Party unveils ambitious policies to tackle climate change a new poll from the think tank Bright Blue has revealed that young voters care deeply about the environment. This could have a profound effect on British politics, reports JOE WARE.
Environment secretary Michael Gove said he is convinced “climate change is a danger” but that efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions must not come at the expense of economic growth. MAT HOPE of DeSmog UK reports
The Conservative Environment Network launched a new report in Parliament with Sajid Javid. But the paper fails to properly address the issue of climate change and does not even mention fracking, says TIM HOLMES
The driver for the businessmen who funded the Brexit campaign was cutting environmental and social protections to increase profits. But knowing this would win few votes, the public campaign focused on 'taking back control' and immigration. So what does this mean for the environment in post-Brexit Britain, asks BRENDAN MONTAGUE