Since the last big climate conference in 2009 the world's biggest private sector banks have provided more than nine more money to fossil fuels than to renewable energy - showing up their oft-repeated 'green finance' promises as little more than PR puff.
African nations react angrily to a funding compromise struck by the newly appointed head of the African delegation, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Listen to his speech, and the reaction
Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen attempts to force negotiations at COP15 forward, saying 'we will not just discuss procedure, procedure, procedure'
The Bolivian ambassador to the UN, Pablo Solon, explains why over 100 countries are now backing a proposal to acknowledge the rights of nature in a climate change agreement
While the inside of COP15 may be the preserve of those with power and influence, the queue to get into the Bella Center is where the rich and famous rub shoulders with the rank and file...
Head of the Potsdam Institute and climate change advisor to the German government, Professor John Schellnhuber explains why COP15 is based on out-of-date science, but why he still has hope for a positive outcome
All sectors must play their part in a global emissions deal, but could including agriculture in the mix lead to an intensification of farming and money for GM crops?
As negotiators haggle in Copenhagen over the levels of financial assistance to be provided to less-industrialised nations, Anna Da Costa highlights the difference this money could make
The EU's chief negotiator at Copenhagen, Artur Runge-Metzger, tells journalists that he expects the US to contribute at least $3.5 billion to the climate aid budget
There's a popular myth that without the US Congress passing a climate change bill, President Obama can't sign up to binding emissions targets. It's wrong, says Kassie Siegel, of the Center for Biological Diversity
Copenhagen is awash with lobbyists of all creeds and colours, but those representing big business interests have more power than most. Here are their demands...
We've bundled so many issues up together into 'climate change' that we've made a single treaty unworkable. Let's start thinking about a many-sided solution...