Warming sea waters - caused by climate change and extreme climatic events - threaten the stability of tropical coral reefs, with potentially devastating implications for many reef species and the human communities that reefs support warn scientists at Exeter University
A unique and pristine coral reef in the mouth of the Amazon is threatened by oil drilling planned by oil giants Total and BP, say the scientists who recently explored it. But the oil companies are determined to press ahead despite the risks, writes Lawrence Carter, and Brazil's environment ministry is set to give its approval.
After decades of work, A$200 million in taxpayer funding and even more from farmers' pockets, Australia has a good news story to tell about the Great Barrier Reef. But as John Brodie reveals, all that is now at risk from vast dredging operations.
Coral reefs are under threat from all quarters - rising temperatures, ocean acidity, fishing practices... But can clever management of certain fish species help the reefs to recover their former glory?