The transatlantic network of fossil fuel funded think tanks has been constructed over more than half a century - and has come into its own with the arrival of Donald Trump in the UK and his praise for Boris Johnson. MAT HOPE of DESMOG UK reports
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has seen a significant increase in income from membership and donations since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, reversing a previous downward trend. CHLOE FARAD investigates.
Donald Trump set to become only world leader not to support the Paris Agreement on climate change as even war torn Syria pledges to sign up, reports ARTHUR WYNS from the COP23 in Bonn.
As UK Prime Minister Theresa May arrives in Philadelphia for her first meeting with the newly-inaugurated President Trump, GINA HAYDEN, co-founder of The Global Centre for Conscious Leadership explores our current crisis in world leadership
Australian Greens' Leader Richard Di Natale has called for the prospect of a Trump Presidency and a post-Brexit Britain to be the chance to break old alliances and forge new deals to save the planet. MAXINE NEWLANDS reports
If tonight's first televised lives debate between the US presidential candidates is anything like previous UK TV hustings climate change won't get a look in - let alone a mention. US voter and blogger ETHAN MILLER takes a personal overview of what they likely won't be saying
After leading the way on climate legislation with the 2009 Climate Change Act, the Scottish government are now putting their money where their mouth is with the creation of the Climate Justice Fund to pay for developing country adaption projects
The wind farms debate rages on as the need for renewable energy grows. But is the UK in danger of putting aesthetics before the need to cut carbon emissions and adopt greener technologies?