A free public event to celebrate Earth Day is being held on Sunday the 22 of April in Bermondsey by the Kagyu Samye Dzong London Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre for World Peace and Health. The day will feature Satish Kumar alongside a range of speakers, workshops and activities to inspire the local community to end plastic pollution and protect the environment in daily life, write KIMBERLEY GRAHAM, GELONG TRINLEY and LAMA ZANGMO
The latest blockbuster exhibition from the V&A celebrates the music of its time and those who are forever linked to it, and one of the key outcomes of this counter-culture revolution was the very first Earth Day on April 22nd 1970.
It's easy to forget, amidst endless negative news coverage, that the US has one of the biggest environmental movements in the world. Maggie King reports on the activities planned for Earth Day, Sunday 22nd April