Timber, diamonds, gold and oil have long been recognised as drivers of war. But companies involved in trading commodities from conflict zones are seldom prosecuted. Isn't it time they were held to account? Matilda Lee reports
The Environmental Investigation Agency's forestry campaigner Faith Doherty welcomes a new report by the World Bank calling for stronger action to stop forestry corruption, but says more support is needed to help activists follow the money trail
Undercover filming by the Environmental Investigation Agency has unearthed shocking evidence of military involvement in the illegal timber trade, all to feed western demand for stylish wood products, according to Faith Doherty
More robust enforcement of laws designed to tackle the growing problem of e-waste is urgently needed, says Anja ffrench of Computer Aid, along with improved management of electrical waste by governments
The EIA has been at the forefront of investigative campaigning for over 25 years, tackling the illegal wildlife trade, timber trafficking and ozone-depleting CFCs. Matilda Lee gets a debriefing