New research has found major discrepancies in the reporting of fish stocks. JACK ALEXANDER reports on whether effective conservation attempts can ever be implemented without the ability to accurately track fish species in trade.
Ecologist Arts Editor, GARY COOK, visits a new exhibition showcasing the plight of the British bee - those species already sadly lost and those on the verge of extinction
Desperate not to offend the host country, the EU delegates at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) ignored a million-strong petition, a resolution from the European Parliament and the views of a large majority of African Range states and failed to give elephants greater protection
Based on the IUCN’s Red List, Species on the Edge of Survival is a glossy tome with an important raison d’etre – to raise awareness of the plants, birds and animals we stand to lose forever, says Ruth Styles
British diners could unwittingly be supporting Iceland's whale hunt as a major UK fish wholesaler continues to source seafood from an Icelandic company linked to the killing of endangered fin whales
Consuming endangered wildlife is illegal in China, but it continues on a large scale in the country’s south. Walter Parham reports on a habit that locals just cannot kick – even after the SARS crisis.