Antibiotic resistance in ‘gene-edited’ cattle Jonathan Latham Allison Wilson | 21st August 2019 FDA finds unintended antibiotic resistance genes in ‘gene-edited’ dehorned cattle. FDA supports ban on growth antibiotics in livestock The Ecologist | 15th July 2009 The US Food and Drug Administration has said that antibiotics should not be administered to livestock except to prevent or treat disease Nearly 500 US cosmetics 'unsafe' 1st October 2007 478 cosmetic products on sale in the US contain doses of toxic chemicals which are unsafe, even when used as directed on the bottle, the US NGO the Environmental Working Group has revealed. Subscribe to FDA
FDA supports ban on growth antibiotics in livestock The Ecologist | 15th July 2009 The US Food and Drug Administration has said that antibiotics should not be administered to livestock except to prevent or treat disease Nearly 500 US cosmetics 'unsafe' 1st October 2007 478 cosmetic products on sale in the US contain doses of toxic chemicals which are unsafe, even when used as directed on the bottle, the US NGO the Environmental Working Group has revealed.
Nearly 500 US cosmetics 'unsafe' 1st October 2007 478 cosmetic products on sale in the US contain doses of toxic chemicals which are unsafe, even when used as directed on the bottle, the US NGO the Environmental Working Group has revealed.