At a crucial time in discussions around how to link climate and nature, this is an opportune moment to make the case for integrated action on climate change and nature loss.
North-west Europe, including the UK, is among the hotspots facing a rising risk of flooding, along with places such as India and the Bay of Bengal, and south east and east Asia.
The UK urgently needs to increase tree cover to mitigate climate change and boost wildlife. The government is asking the public for views on its plans.
Water resilience is among the most important discussions at the COP23, taking place in Bonn. This is particularly true for the communities living in the Pacific Islands. But also for all countries facing floods and famine in the decades to come. MARK FLETCHER calls for global action.
Climate change its causing flooding and droughts that damage agricultural land in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. The "rice bowl" of Asia produces 57 percent of rice production for the country - including 80 percent of its exports. ROBYN WILSON met the farmers facing ruin.
The Sardar Sarovar Dam in India is already one of the world’s most controversial. With last month’s decision to forcibly displace another 40,000 families without proper relocation and compensation, Indian authorities seem eager to make it the worst dam ever. But an increasingly publicised hunger strike is putting pressure on India's prime minister, reports NICK MEYNEN