Political parties have been urged to toughen up the regulation of toxic chemicals, the “sleeping giant of pollution”, which can harm people and wildlife.
Enough of the quick fixes, the sticking plasters that scarcely cover the wound. What farmers need now is help to get off the treadmill, and that requires a wholesale rethink of our food and farming systems - argues HELEN BROWNING
Is modern industrial food making our children sick? Quite possibly, says paediatrician MICHELLE PERRO and medical anthropologist VINCANNE ADAMS. In their new book, What’s Making Our Children Sick? they claim there's a strong link between GMO food and failing health
We all carry cancer cells, but we also possess natural defences. Laura Sevier meets Dr David Servan-Schreiber, author of 'Anticancer: A new way of life' to find out more
Farah brought us the flick. Jennifer gave us the ‘Rachel’. Madonna made ‘blonde ambition’ a desirable thing – at least for a while. And Britney? Well, she got fed up and shaved all hers off.
A dose of flu in winter is as inevitable as a broken boiler – and usually as harmless. But as public health expert Dr Michael Greger explains, intensive farming of animals around the globe may mean we are hatching out an influenza timebomb
‘Britain’s astounding retreat from reason is now legitimising anarchy.’ That was the conclusion of the hotblooded screaming radical Melanie Phillips, writing for The Spectator.
Research from China suggests that even low levels of nitrites in drinking water can cause cancer. Why is the West ignoring the evidence? asks Oliver Tickell
Only a few years ago, stories about Whole Foods Market became famous for their poetic quality, as journalists waxed lyrical about how the fresh, organic fruit in their stores was proof that you could be a successful business while remaining environmentally friendly. Last year, however, sustained questioning by consumers and regulators alike saw the shine come off the company’s glossy image.
No one should have to choose between looking good and being healthy, which is why each month we will be taking a critical look at the active ingredients in personal care products and asking why manufacturers continue to choose toxic ones over safer alternatives.
Keen to have your little one avoid the over-processed, additive-packed diet of today’s obesity-prone youth? Then give your weaning baby healthy eating habits for life by starting them off with nutritious food easily made at home writes Matilda Lee