The National School of Forestry is participating in Timber Festival to foster greater public awareness of how sustainable forest management defends our living planet.
Britain has 2,000 ancient yew trees yet there are only about 100 left in mainland Europe. England is home to more than 100 great oaks - trees aged over 800 years - more than the entire region from Calais to Cadiz. Author PETER FIENNES reflects on why so many old British trees have been saved from the axe
This week, the first-ever Forest Defenders Conference, organized by environmental activist support group Not1More, takes place (21st-22nd June) at St. Hugh's College in Oxford, UK. The aim of the conference is to highlight the growing risks and help develop safety strategies for frontline environmentalists who face increasing violence for their work.
In a second response to a recent article published in the Ecologist, "Are the UK 'biomass sustainability standards' legitimising forest destruction?", SBP Chief Executive Officer Carstem Huljus debunks the myths in a right of reply
Illegal logging accounts for between 30 and 50 percent of wood harvested in Romania. Horatio Morpurgo reports on the destruction of Romanian forests, post communism, and looks at what we can learn.
New research shows that European forests are 'peaking' in terms of their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. If this is true, writes Alan Simson, it's time to embrace some novel landscape-scale solutions ...
The biomass industry responds to an Ecologist article by Biofuelswatch to counter what it says are the 'myths' around biomass, arguing that it is sustainable, proven and low carbon
Norway's $1 billion of anti-deforestation funding to Indonesia is nothing short of amazing. But we should watch very carefully to see whether the money reaches the right pockets...
A report by the European Commission shows that habitat and wildlife protection targets across Europe will be missed, with nine out of 10 UK habitats found to be in 'unfavourable' condition