The community-owned, timber-framed, self-heating village shop Maddy Harland | 26th January 2010 In an economic climate where village shops are closing, woodsman Ben Law has helped his village open a new shop with a difference Green Construction or Pyramids of Waste 28th February 2007 36 of the UK's leading construction companies, including British Land, Land Lease, HBOS and Barratt Homes, have launched a UK Green Building Council that will aim for "zero carbon, zero water and zero waste", according to its chairman Peter Rogers.
Green Construction or Pyramids of Waste 28th February 2007 36 of the UK's leading construction companies, including British Land, Land Lease, HBOS and Barratt Homes, have launched a UK Green Building Council that will aim for "zero carbon, zero water and zero waste", according to its chairman Peter Rogers.