Caroline Lucas MP, Guardian columnist George Monbiot (pictured) and Extinction Rebellion are seeking to overturn the protest banning order imposed by the Met.
Shale gas company Cuadrilla has been given the green light to carry out fracking at a second well at its site at Preston New Road, Lancashire. CATHERINE EARLY reports
The government continues to grapple with the complexities of Brexit, and lurching from crisis to crisis. In the meantime, former Green Party leader NATALIE BENNETT, a regular contributor to The Ecologist, sets out her vision for a stable, successful Britain
More than 40 companies including Coca-Cola, Unilever and Tesco have pledged to eliminate single-use packaging items and to ensure 100 per cent of their plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable. But NATALIE BENNETT, former Green Party leader, argues this voluntary pact doesn't go far enough - a full scale ban is needed
Climate laws are being adopted around the world. MOLLY SCOTT CATO and JAKOB DALUNDE, MEPs for the UK and Sweden, consider whether legally binding commitments can save us from a climate crisis and pave the way towards a net zero emissions planet
We are living through a period of profound political transformation, says JONATHAN BARTLEY, co-leader of the Green Party. He argues that the neoliberalism model is broken and that placing value on individual interest over the good of the many is not the political system people want
The expected ban on neonicotinoids to protect bees has rightly created a lot of buzz. But will Michael Gove as environment secretary ignore the chemicals industry lobby and retain regulations after Brexit? MOLLY SCOTT CATO, a Green party MEP, counsels vigilance
MOLLY SCOTT CATO, Green MEP for the South West and member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, questions Monsanto's role in the decision by EU countries this week to re-authorise Europe’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate.
The former co-leader of the Green party, NATALIE BENNETT is in Bonn where she tells of the story of two cities: the politicians on one side performing seemingly endless negotiations and the scientists and NGOs on the other calling for urgent action.