A new database tracks the local-level deals that allow fossil fuel companies to greenwash their image and cheaply purchase a social license to operate within communities in which they have a vested interest. MAT HOPE reports
Everyone was disappointed by Copenhagen, but sometimes it takes a man in a 350.org tie to choke on a nut to remind us just how frustrating COP15 was...
A new report reveals Shell's expanding investment in the most polluting fuels, attempts to scupper plans to act on climate change and the complicity of top executives in continued gas flaring in Nigeria
Swedish energy giant Vattenfall won a gold medal at this year's celebration of climate spin and misinformation, with a special award going to the government of Denmark for services to the world's most polluting industries
It’s fair to say that we have our share of robust discussions in this office. Opinions get aired, fingers get pointed, occasionally voices get raised. It’s all in a good cause. Setting the world to rights isn’t always a civilised tea party.
Your recycled loo paper may be soft, strong and very, very long, but is it really all that green? Pat Thomas gets to the bottom of an issue of convenience
From cars to petrochemical giants, every man and his dog has green credentials to show off to the world, but just how genuine are they? John Naish takes a closer look