Lawyers have won the right to appeal a ruling by the High Court, which sided with a UK Government decision to approve what would be Europe’s largest gas plant.
Caroline Lucas MP, Guardian columnist George Monbiot (pictured) and Extinction Rebellion are seeking to overturn the protest banning order imposed by the Met.
A law designed to protect elephants, passed with overwhelming popular support and cross-party Parliamentary backing in 2018, could be struck off the statute books.
Mr Justice Garnham today ruled in the High Court that judges will in future effectively oversee the government's air pollution strategy to ensure it complies with the law. This is the third victory for environmental lawyers at ClientEarth in ensuring clean air for the UK. JON BENNETT, from ClientEarth, provides the story
The vast majority of the British public believe Theresa May has a moral duty to reduce air pollution to safe levels. So why is the government back at the High Court for allowing illegal levels of toxic air? BRENDAN MONTAGUE reports
A green coalition has brought a legal challenge against the Treasury for refusing to rein-in the Government-owned RBS bank, which continues to invest in polluting industries