Bees are in danger, but contrary to the buzz around National Honey Bee Day, supporting the honey industry isn’t the best way to protect these incredibly important insects
Woodcarver Matt Somerville believes harvesting honey should be more natural so he has devised a new kind of hive aimed at benefitting the health and sustainability of bee colonies. MIRIAM DARLINGTON met him.
Robert Louis Stevenson’s account of his epic 1879 journey through the Cévennes is one of the high points of travel literature but as Ruth Styles found out, there’s still plenty to be discovered
Britain’s bees are in big trouble, but Neal’s Yard Remedies have come to the rescue with a campaign and limited edition hand cream. Ruth Styles put it to the test
British honeybee populations have been decimated by the varroa mite, but hidden inside hives in deepest Cornwall, something very special is happening...
There's no great conspiracy around bee deaths - hive diseases have been with us for millennia. No one who keeps livestock should expect an easy ride...
They build masterfully constructed homes, have a brilliantly regulated social order, are essential to sustaining the environment and are playing a vital role in sustainable development projects.