A new report from Global Justice Now reveals how the British government's Conflict, Stability and Security Fund is providing financial support to police, military and security forces implicated in human rights abuses. AISHA DODWELL from the charity gives the inside story.
Survival International argues that the activities of WWF in the Congo Basin have been shown to be doing tremendous damage to rainforest tribes like the Baka, without effectively protecting the environment. But efforts to hold them to account have been frustrated, the director of Survival, STEPHEN CORRY, argues.
Revenues obtained from the often illegal extraction and supply of commodities such as timber and diamonds are directly bankrolling corrupt regimes and armed insurgency groups, and fund the purchase of weapons and other contraband goods that perpetuate cycles of conflict.
Must-have handbags? shoes to die for? From cheap trinkets to luxury car interiors, Jim Wickens discovers the startling facts behind what we buy into when we buy leather goods.
A major investor in a gas exploration project which has set off a toxic mud-flow has washed its hands of responsibility for the damage caused to homes of thousands of Indonesian people.
One billion people could have been forced out of their homes by 2050 as a result of the pressures of climate change, a new report by development charity Christian Aid says.
Botswanan police are refusing to allow Kalahari Bushmen to return to their ancestral homelands, despite their having won a landmark high court case allowing them to do so, writes Clive Dennis
The East India Company was the first multinational corporation - until its abuse of power caused a public backlash. Nick Robins examines its legacy to reveal how it set the corporate blueprint for today's firms to operate unchecked
We were sitting chatting outside our home when two small planes flew over very low. We went down to our fields to see what was happening. My husband said, “Look, they’re dropping poison on our land.”
Costing £2.9 billion, the UK’s new police communication system Tetra has been described by one independent scientist as likely to cause ‘more civilian deaths than all the world’s terrorist organisations put together’
'I can no longer sit back and allow terrorist infiltration, terrorist indoctrination, terrorist subversion, and the international terrorist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.' Commander George the Ripper Bush at Madison Square Garden