Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister would be the first politician of global stature to address the increasingly urgent concerns about climate change, writes BRENDAN MONTAGUE
Scientists were warning about the dangers of climate change even before America discovered and used oil on an industrial scale. Here, we see how in the 1980s it appeared politicians would rise to the challenges it presents. BRENDAN MONTAGUE investigates
It is 30 years since global warming became front-page news. Both Republicans and Democrats took it seriously. But today, the US has pulled out of the Paris Agreement. Extreme weather fuelled by an increase in CO2 has left a trail of destruction across the globe. ROBERT BRULLE examines what went wrong
James Hansen is making his second visit to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, COP23 in Bonn to declare the that the Paris Agreement “ambition” is a “hoax”. NICK BREEZE meets the man still raising the climate alarm.
Scientists are leading the charge against political foot-dragging on climate change, with James Hansen arrested for protesting against coal mining and Kevin Anderson warning the UK Government its emissions levels are 'dangerously optimistic'