Copenhagen was always going to be a nail-biting experience, but if we abandon Kyoto and try to reinvent the wheel you might end up gnawing your fingers off too
The Maldives Proposal for a Levy on International Flights breaks the taboo on taxing international aviation but it's not enough to tackle aviation's growing emissions, says Tim Johnson
Gordon Brown called for an annual fund of £60 billion to help less industrialised countries adapt to climate change as part of a range of Government proposals in the run-up to UN talks in Copenhagen later this year
What can we expect of December’s meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Poznan, Poland? The main question will be how to follow the Kyoto Protocol’s first ‘commitment period’, which ends in 2012.
The world at last seems to be waking up to climate change. But are government initiatives being driven by an awareness of environmental priorities or by other means? Phil Moore reports
On the day that ExxonMobil announced record profits of $39 billion reports have surfaced that the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a ExxonMobile funded think tank with close links to the Bush government, offered $10,000 each to IPCC scientists to undermine climate change findings.
Pictures available online for the first time show that the effects of global warming are far worse than previously expeced. The images produced by the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Meteorological Office, show for the first time that the Stern Review's timeline for action is wrong.
When Governments try to reassure the public with announcements about how much they are doing to solve problems like bird flu or global warming, it just avoids the real question - how did we get into this in the first place?