The decline of honey bees in the UK has been well documented. Is it a demonstration of climate change and, if so, what can be done? QUENTIN SCOTT, director at renewable energy investment company Low Carbon, discusses how it has partnered with Plan Bee to educate communities and support biodiversity
The UK is placing energy storage at the heart of its new Modern Industrial Strategy, due to its potential to support smart energy systems and the automotive sector. As the energy industry moves away from carbon-heavy production, the twin-approach of renewable energy and storage will be critical for delivering on the demand while securing the future of UK energy, writes IAN LARIVE
Forget low carb; it’s all about low carbon this March. And with everyone from Sir Paul McCartney to Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall getting stuck in for Climate Week, there’s no excuse not to try it
A low carbon Britain rests on the electrification of our energy supply. But new research by the University of Surrey has highlighted the challenges facing government, market and civil society-led pathways to reducing emissions
Research shows that however green we are in the home, most of us leave our eco-habits at the factory gate when we clock in for the nine to five. For those of you who can see what needs to be done in your office, but don't know how to go about doing it, here's an eight-point guide put together by the Low Carbon Innovation Network.