The waste warrior behind the You Tube hit and now book 'The Story of Stuff', on banning children's advertising, making manufacturers responsible for waste and shifting our values
Knowing something of the energy consumed by flat screen displays I couldn't help noticing the appearance of an enormous (6 x 3 metres) digital advertising hoarding outside Richmond Fire Station in London.
We get an entertaining selection of press releases each week at the Ecologist. Recently, however, amid claims for the greenest 4x4s ever, vegan-friendly breastmilk ice cream and strip-mining with a heart, one stood out.
During my global travels, spreading the word on the cheapest, most effective and equitable policy road for renewables, my observations and experiences have led me to several infuriating and distressing conclusions.
What do government and industry do when something is toxic but massively profitable? Most of the time, says Devra Davis, they just invest in better class of PR…
No one believed Big Tobacco could ever be snuffed out - until health warning stickers were made law. If the same principle of science, information and activism were applied to the aviation industry, argues Mark Anslow, the air we breathe could get cleaner yet