This is an age of hyper-connectivity where being available 24/7 is a given. But this can have serious health and social impacts. PAULA BYRNE and JONATHAN BATE urge us to turn our devices off, slow it down and savour the calming powers of good literature...
An average one in four people in the UK will suffer a mental health problem at some point. New research, and a pioneering therapy project, are proving that nature and the wild outdoors have the power to heal and should be included within a mix of treatments
What on earth are we thinking when we go into shops and buy lots of pointless stuff we just don’t need? John Naish says it’s not so much what’s on our minds, but which brain we use when we spend
Take relentless population growth. Add decades of expanding per capita resource consumption. Simmer slowly over rising global temperatures. What do you get? Traumatic information. That is, information that wounds us through the very act of obtaining it.
Don’t be afraid of the recession, says Andrew Simms , it may just be the lucky break we need to get our heads around a more sane economy and a better quality of life
It’s easy to feel so overwhelmed by the problems facing our planet that we turn away to whatever will cheer us. Pat Thomas shows us the pattern of climate change denial