The Campaign for Rural England has been campaigning for a bottle deposit return system in the UK for a decade. Today, they applaud Michael Gove, the environment secretary, for "finally accepting" the environmental and economic case for the national scheme in his "long-awaited decision". CATHERINE HARTE reports
This week the UK government announced a consultation on introducing a tax on single-use plastics, as part of its pledge to reduce plastic waste. But earlier this month ministers stepped back from plans to introduce a charge for non-recyclable coffee cups - putting the government’s war on plastic and promise of a Green Brexit under scrutiny. JOSEPH DUTTON investigates
The British Ecological Society's Agricultural Ecology Group this week releases its recommendations for the future of farming as the UK plans to exit the European Union. It found significant common ground between ecologists and agriculturists. STEVE PEEL reports
Animal charities are calling on the government to take action on cruel puppy trade, live farm animal exports, foie gras and fur imports, farm subsidies and severe animal experiments to ensure UK can maintain its ambition of being as pioneer for animals as Britain exits EU. BRENDAN MONTAGUE reports
Michael Gove, the environment secretary, will today announce plans to radically reform the payment of farm subsidies - in the wake of Brexit. If the promise is kept and the changes implemented well these changes could support a growing minority of farmers attempting to end soil depletion and economic destruction.
The restoration of life and the end of extinctions. Good land management plans for every country. The end of ocean plastics. No more pesticides. Is all this too ambitious for a Christmas wish list? RUTH DAVIS of the RSPB does not think so.