Public services 'weakened after a decade of budget pressures in which quality declined, staff became more stretched, buildings were poorly maintained, and vital equipment went unbought'.
'If you are vulnerable, like me, the information in this article may be terrifying. But this information is crucial if you and those you love are to stay safe.'
Urgent government action is needed to stop Big Pharma making mega profits from drugs developed with taxpayers' money. HEIDI CHOW from Global Justice Now reports on her charity's new ground breaking report.
Trying to quit, but can’t face puffing on e-cigarettes or chewing Nicorette? With National No Smoking Day coming up, we take a look at some of the natural, sustainable alternatives
Delny Britton investigates the hidden impacts of western mainstream medicine - including pollution from pharmaceutical products, high carbon emissions and adverse drug reactions - and asks whether the healthcare sector can ever be truly sustainable
In 1993 Tory MP David Willetts wrote a pamphlet called The Opportunities for Private Funding in the NHS, which proposed using Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) and other commercial mechanisms to provide health services in the UK. Conservative ministers thought Willetts’s proposals too radical. They were consigned to the shelf until 1997, when the New Labour Government put them into action.
Despite modern man’s failure to defeat cancer, the established medical approach continues to dismiss alternative therapies. Sufferer Tina Cooke knows why.